EdApp by SafetyCulture
free course

Improving Your Active Listening Skills

By Facilitator
4 Lessons
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Improving Your Active Listening Skills Lessons

The full course includes

  1. Facilitator's Notes
  2. Type of Listening
  3. What Is Active Listening?
  4. Learners' Reviews & Feedback

Follow the interactions on each screen or click the arrows to navigate between lesson slides.

Course author

Mobile first training
Gamified experience
Editable content
Course overview

We communicate on an hourly, per minute and even per second basis, yet our focus is always on the talking portion, and very few emphasis is placed on the listening portion. In fact, listening is a very underrated and important skill to master at all times. In this course, you will learn through several strategies to practice active listening while communicating with anyone.

The full course includes
  1. Facilitator's Notes
  2. Type of Listening
  3. What Is Active Listening?
  4. Learners' Reviews & Feedback

Course Rating

Really nice I think this is very helpful to me, to improve my active listening skills and I want to use this to my future application in the future.

There are just 4 slides repeating 3 times. What is this about?

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